* P. Benedict Bere Mali, SVD *
Daily Mass Devotional
Thursday, 7 January 2021
1Jo 4: 19-5: 4
Luke 4: 14-22a
The devil of the Wilderness enemies the mission of "blusukan" Jesus
In the Network (online) all Positive and Negative information floods every person. Only a handful of people choose Negative information over a long period of time. The majority of the population chooses positive information for themselves and others. One of the positive information that every human being has is that everyone wants to be treated positively by others and thus he is motivated to do positive things to others.
One of the positive things that attracted the public's heart and went viral on social media in the (online) network this Sunday is the downward movement by our Social Affairs minister. The minister came to touch the hearts of the homeless and immediately knew them and especially the need for housing, food and clothing for the homeless that the Social Affairs Minister met. Serving with the "blusukan" down to the bottom is needed by the general public in this country. This is a public service revolution "leaving the way behind the desk" towards "going to the field" both at the beginning, process, evaluation, revision, process, evaluation, mission until the goal is achieved, namely common prosperity equitably for everyone.
Jesus ministered by means of a "descending" gesture, that of being born in the Stables of Bethlehem. Since the beginning, he has shown his humility. His mission is not at the prijaji level only, but the "blusukan mission" model of Jesus to bring the Good News to the poor, deliverance to captives, to see the blind, and to liberate the oppressed. Jesus took ministry to marginalized people, small and simple people who had not received maximum service from their fellowmen. The ministry mission of Jesus was always looking for opportunities that were not normally accessible to other people.
Bahaya kemapanan seorang misionaris zaman ini bisa direduksi oleh sapaan gaya misi Yesus. Misi seperti ini dimiliki setelah lulus ujian dari Iblis di Padang gurun. Ada tiga ujian penting di Padang gurun yaitu harta duniawi, kuasa duniawi, mental instant. Yesus bermisi "blusukan" lewat proses bukan instant dalam bermisi. Yesus tidak terbelenggu oleh harta dan kuasa duniawi. Yesus komitment pada misi kepada orang yang belum dilayani yaitu orang miskin, tertawan, buta/Sakit, tertindas secara Psikologis, Sosial, dan Fisik.
Dengan sederhana dapat dikatakan bahwa sesungguhya Yesus sudah menyelesaikan persoalan-persoalan yang berhubungan dengan dirinya sendiri. Pengolahan Diri yang matang telah teruji Iblis dalam pencobaan di Padang gurun Selama 40 Hari sebagai sebuah Retret Agung. Sekali lagi Yesus sudah menyelesaikan semua soal yang berhubungan dengan dirinya sendiri. Yesus kini hanya memfokuskan Diri pada persoalan persoalan dunia lainnya dan persoalan Sesama atau orang lain. Yesus tidak dikuasai oleh harta, kuasa dan wanita. Ujian itu oleh Iblis di Padang gurun. Kini Yesus fokus Misi ala "blusukan" yang bagi mayoritas sulit dilakukan.
Konstitusi Kita berbasis Misi Yesus mulai dari pinggiran atau orang kecil inilah yang sebaiknya menjadi dasar misi Kita pada zaman ini. Benturan keuangan adalah sebuah soal diskusi hangat dalam misi Kita. Tetapi management keuangan yang belum tepat sering dijadikan alasan untuk tidak bermisi seperti Yesus dalam Injil Hari ini. Padahal Yesus bermisi tidak punya uang tetapi misinya menjadi sumber atau dasar bagi misionaris sepanjang zaman. ***
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